
Archive for June, 2010

LiquidSalesman design wins International Best Website Award

As appraisers communication amongst the many disciplines is vital for the development of the profession. There are over 5000 members in 5 regions spread out between North America, Europe, Australia and the Eastern Orient. One chapter seeks to improve communication and access to educational material and meetings through a groundbreaking, privatized, Social Media Networking campaign.

The South Florida Atlantic Chapter 82 was awarded the International Best Website Award in June 2009 in Orlando, Fl. The chapter President Kevin Lilly and Membership Chairman Mike Pratt were on hand to accept the award. Missing from the picture is the Secretary of the organization and the designer of the award winning site, Errol Chung.  The site offers a regularly updated system that includes: an online library, a section dedicated to entrepreneurial interests, information on upcoming and past chapter meetings and a private online social network that is owned and operated by appraisers but is open to anyone interested in the field of valuation.

“This is an incredible tool.” says President Kevin Lilly. “Our members can chat amongst themselves, download information from meetings they have missed, RSVP to new meetings and read through a ton of online resources.” “We are currently working on getting our meetings taped and hosted online for even more access to other society members.”

The members of the organization are definitely excited about the opportunity to be online as well. As explained by Errol Chung, “This tool will be a bridge from our current, “seasoned” membership base to the next generation. This is a way to ensure the documents and training that our predecessors studied are never lost.” “A lot of the newer society candidates are extremely tech savvy and are used to online systems. This is just another way that appraisers are not only keeping up with the trend, but staying ahead of the curve.”

Visit S. Fla Atlantic Chapter 82 today at

Odd things from around the world

Crazy stuff from around the world

Great pics about nothing. This may develop into a weekly administering of ways to get out of doing what you are supposed to. I know this seems counter productive in accordance to the rest of the blogs we have distributed but there is something to be said about giving the mind a break. Inspiration can come from anywhere and when Writers Block sets in it is nice to know there is a place you can go to get the juices flowing again.

Categories: Inspiration, Mind Dump

Project: Get superior referrals from top clients.

by Errol Chung – the LiquidSalesman.

Description: Create a pyramid benefits referral program in order to get your clients working diligently to bring you in qualified clients

Goal: Ensure at least 5 referrals from every client as well as every referral from every client.

Here is what you will need:

1. A simple 2-sided multicolor advertisement based card (business card size) – $30 for 500 on

2. A decorative hole puncher McGill® 15-Sheet 2″ Reach One-Hole Punch, 1/4″ Star-Shaped Hole, Chrome with Purple

Description of campaign: For every Perfect Client that you find, offer them a Referral Card. This is a simple way to keep track of referrals. (You can do this online if you have the correct CRM application, but for now we are focusing on those who may not be “tech savvy”) Design a simple card layout with 6 boxes at the bottom as shown below. When the customer’s servicing is complete, offer them the referral card and explain what you are looking for- “Customers just like them”.

Explain the concept to each client; that for every client referred a hole will be punched in their rewards card. Punch a hole in the first box for this visit to get them started. Once all holes are punched, offer something (and this is the kicker) equal to the average cost of a visit. For example, if you are a travel agent, offer a few hundred dollars towards their next vacation. If you are a dentist, offer a free cleaning or a significant discount for an upcoming visit.

This equates to a word-of mouth sales team of 350 people and the more cards you hand out, (and the better the reward) the more clients you will get. This all stems from the value of the referral. If a $50 client can yield several thousands of dollars from their network then they deserve to be compensated. Make it ridiculous not to refer clients. Refer 5 clients that do business ($250 in revenue) and get a $40 gift certificate to a local restaurant. (A Gift certificate that actually only cost you $20 because you were smart enough to talk to the restaurant owner first and partner with him/her on the campaign. Shared clients + different products + no competition = Strategic Marketing)

Concepts and more like this will be available in the upcoming $0 Budget Marketing Strategies by the Liquidsalesman. Coming Fall 2010. Till then, contact us directly by leaving a reply on this page or emailing me at Errol

Thanks and happy marketing!

Errol Chung,

The Liquidsalesman