
Archive for August, 2010

Be a Specialist.

By Errol Chung, the LiquidSalesman

Begin your entrepreneurial endeavors with as wide a range as possible. The younger you are, the more time you have on your side. Do not be afraid to take seemingly unadventurous jobs when starting out. They will not only pay the bills, but they will open your eyes to industries, levels of management, vendor types, and business practices that you may have never considered.

As we have discussed before, there is no such thing as a “Bad Economy.”
There are only better opportunities for those with the drive and the ambition to turn their dreams into a reality. There are times when the general population will struggle; global economics is a cyclical science.
There is never a time of growth that is not immediately followed by a time of decline and again followed by growth. Such is the nature of the beast.
However, there are those that know how to profit from both the rise and the fall of the business wave and seemingly always know when and how to profit.

In reviewing the stock market, savvy investors know about more than the individual actions of the companies that they are interested in. They understand Calls, Puts, Options, Splits, and possible upcoming mergers in the entire industry. More so, they know which industries stand the largest gains or losses from the irrational actions of the masses. BP’s immediate loss after the spill made some new investors very wealthy some 90 days later when the leak was capped. It is your responsibility to become an influencer instead of a general member of the torch bearing mob. It is your responsibility to become a Specialist. It is with this unique knowledge of one specific area that you will achieve wealth in any industry.

From the world’s greatest financial mind to the world’s greatest fry cook, it is those who understand how to turn a bad situation into a good situation that will receive the accolades and the attention they deserve. Take the time to study all aspects of your chosen craft until you find an area that fits best. Take the time to master that specific area, keeping in mind all of the other aspects that you have learned along the way.

1.       A clever realtor knows who to market to when finance rates are high
and when they are low.

2.       A savvy garbage company knows when to incorporate recycling and
specialty pick-up contracts.

3.       A clever print shop owner has campaigns for both the
environmentally conservative and the economically thrifty.

Being a specialist does not limit you. It focuses your efforts and increases your trustworthiness. By designing the right niche in marketing campaigns, you will become irresistible to clients.

DoorNob – Amazing concept furniture and home design styles.

Really awesome site featuring some one the most amazing home and furniture designs. Great for anyone interested in making the normal completely abnormal.

Categories: Inspiration, Mind Dump