Home > Mind Dump, Personal Development, Projects, Publishing > Best Screen Sharing Tools – Comparison Table

Best Screen Sharing Tools – Comparison Table

Do you need to show to your distant teammates a set of images or a PowerPoint presentation right from your computer desktop? Do you want to train your classroom at a distance by inviting your students to watch what you are doing live on your PC?

Link: http://www.masternewmedia.org/screen-share-top-25-best-screen-sharing-tools/#ixzz14W0H4qui

Screen sharing tools are a specific category of online collaboration tools that enable you to broadcast a continuous live stream of what is happening on your computer screen to individuals connected via the Internet at distant locations.

Screen sharing tools allow multiple attendees to see in real-time whatever you will be showing on your computer screen, as well as the opportunity to even take control of your mouse and keyboard to show their newly learned abilities while operating a new application residing on your machine. Obviously you can do the same with them and, with their permission, access their computer remotely and guide their learning process or troubleshooting session step by step.

Screen sharing tools generally work by allowing you, as the presenter, to create a session which is associated to a specific URL and optionally to a password number. You then send / share this URL / password combination to your selected invitees, and as soon as they log into your screen-sharing session they can start seeing in real-time what you are doing.

Feature differentiation areas among screen-sharing providers include the addition of VoIP, text chat, remote control, cross-platform support, annotation and markup and recording abilities.

Here below is a comprehensive list of all the available screen-sharing tools out there and the set of key basic characteristics that I have utilized to compare these tools among themselves:

  • Max Participants Number: The number of attendees you can invite into a screen-sharing session
  • Remote Control: Gives screen-sharing session attendees the ability to take control of your keyboard and mouse
  • Change Presenter: Lets the current presenter hand out presentation controls to other attendees
  • Host Platform: PC-Mac-Linux: if you want to be a presenter which one can you use?
  • Viewer Platform: PC-Mac-Linux – what do you need to have to participate?
  • Price: Monthly price of the product

To make your analysis and selection task most effective here below is also a comparison table showcasing all of the available screen-sharing tools and a full set of mini-reviews introducing each one of them.

Link: http://www.masternewmedia.org/screen-share-top-25-best-screen-sharing-tools/#ixzz14W04G0np

Users Remote Control
Change Presenter
Host Platform Viewer Platform Price
GoToMeeting 15 Yes Yes Win Win/Mac $49/Month
ConferencingNow 10 Yes Yes Win Win Free
Mikogo 10 Yes Yes Win Win Free
Yuuguu 30 Yes Yes Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux Free
ScreenStream N/A No No Win Win/Mac/Linux Free
SharedView 15 Yes Yes Win Win Free
Yugma Skype 10 Yes Yes Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux Free
ShowMyPC 1-to-many Yes No Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux Free
SkyFex 1-to-1 Yes (5 minutes) No Win Win Free
TeamViewer 1-to-1 Yes Yes Win/Mac Win/Mac Free
Glance 100 Yes Yes Win/Mac Win/Mac $49/month
Vyew 20 No Yes Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux* Free
Persony 25 Yes Yes Win Win $39.99
LiveLook N/A Yes No Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux** N/A
eBLVD 5 Yes Yes Win Win $29.95/month
eZmeeting 4 Yes No Win Win $99/month
ShareItNow N/A No No Win Win Free
BeamYourScreen 5 Yes Yes Win Win $35/month
GoMeetNow 3 Yes No Win Win $15.95/month
GatherPlace 5 Yes Yes Win/Mac Win/Mac $29/month
RealVNC 1-to-1 Yes No Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux N/A
GoToAssist N/A Yes No Win Win $425/month
Spreed 3 Free Yes Yes Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux Free for 3 people
Bosco 1-to-1 Yes No Win/Mac Win/Mac Free
Dimdim 20 Free Developing Yes Win/Mac/Linux Win/Mac/Linux Free for 20 people
$99 per year Pro (branding, bigger rooms)
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