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Errol Chung (the LiquidSalesman) introducing the new Social Networking platform to the American Society of Appraisers in 2009

What happened to what we expected?

Many networking associations and organizations have the intent of being a treasure chest of value for their members. As members of these associations, we have an expectation that these needs will be met for the dues we pay to be considered a “member”. Is your networking offering the tools its members need to grow in this economy? Are you receiving all of the support, training, and benefits for which you pay such a large membership fee?

What we expect from our professional organization:

  • Professional Education through training, workshops and relevant guest lecturers
  • Professional Communication of the business society through special networking events and regular meetings
  • A general atmosphere of  professional and social equality on all business levels so that the free exchange of new product concepts, marketing strategies, investments, legal advice, and employment practices

In exchange for such an opportunistic environment, associations and organizations usually charge individual member $250 – $1500 per year of membership, an additional per meeting fees, additional costs for hosted events and a higher price for non-members who are only interested in a few events per year.

The planned revitalization the face-to-face network.

Errol Chung and the beautiful Amy Cosper. Editor and Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine

In the last few years, free online networks have risen fast and stand to replace the original face-to-face association meetings. As technology becomes more of a way of life rather than a part of it we are losing the personal

connections, handshakes, and the gut-feelings that we once had.  We are losing members because the yearly dues are simply too high and the benefits are not enough. When the monthly bills are laid on the table, the social network with minimal advantage are often the ones cut first.

Membership and monetized member activities are the life blood of your organization. If you are losing members the LiquidSalesman Consultants can help.

Our motto is simple “Benefits through Organization”. This simply means that we help you put the energy back into your organization and give you members what they need to feel enthusiastic again.

What we do.

Giving a speech at a Young Entrepreneurs meeting in Miami, Fl, 2008

First. We look deep into your structure and find ways to cut unnecessary costs, negotiate with suppliers and help with efficiency and operations.

Second. We look at your regular communication to (and between) members when not at monthly or quarterly meetings.

Third. We look into your regular membership recruitment efforts

Fourth. We look at your groups benefits and determine missed monetization capabilities and opportunities

a. Special Event hosting – Field trips for adults – things that get the blood moving, things other than monthly meetings at stuffy convention centers
b. Training and workshops – How often do you give your members an opportunity to educate themselves, gain continuing education credits, and other professional
c. Specialty programs – What types family, community, charitable programs are you a member of?
d. Member only benefits – What separates members from mom members besides the additional $10 at the door? What makes your members feel special about being a part of your association. We can help generate group specific benefit programs that allow your group to shine above the rest.