Course Catalog

It’s all about the networks.

Here at the LiquidSalesman, out creed is simple “A Network of Networks” It is our daily responsibility to find the highest quality service providers in every network or association we work with. Once our consultation team is on duty, we take apart the structure, clean it, find the weaknesses and strengths and rebuild a mammoth from a church mouse. The power, tools, motivation and instruction to do more.

Medical Services: Doctors, Medical Billing, Emergency Care, Elderly facilities, Child care, Urgent Care Facilities…

Real Estate: Appraisers, Mortgage offices, Commercial property managers, Surveyors, Investors…

General Business: Accountants, Lawyers, Investors, Lenders, Insurance, Exit Strategist, Secretaries, Office managers…

Home: Landscapers, Interior decorators, Child care, Roofers, Plumbers, Electricians…

And many more.

Your highest potential is only a phone call away.

The most important part of any group or organization is its members. Without them, no overall objectives are accomplished.
  • How do your member feel about your group?
  • Are the satisfied by the educational components that you offer?
  • Are they excited by the events that you host?
  • Is there a strong stream on new member joining your organization through referrals?
  • Is there an open form of communication for your members to easily contact each other or do you leave it up to them to swap business cards and how for the best?

There are simple ways to keep your members excited about your organization. We can teach you how.

Increased Member Activity through:

Special Event Hosting – Special nights on the town with magical local vendors. Invite your members all the things that get the blood pumping again. Diversify with events other than monthly meetings in stuffy convention rooms with the same people.

Training and Workshops – Offer your members an opportunity to educate themselves, gain continuing education credits for there designations, and other professional educational necessities. Motivational, entrepreneurial speakers that remind us why we went into business for ourselves.

Specialty Community Based Programs – What types of family, community, charitable programs are you a member of?

Members Only Benefits – What separates members from mom members besides the additional $10 at the door? What makes your members feel special about being a part of your association. We can help generate group specific benefit programs that allow your group to shine above the rest.

What you can expect from a full consultation.

Phase 1

  • Goal Setting
  • Branding, Market Share, Economic Community Influence, Networking, Growth, Sales, CPS (Cost Per Sale) reduction
  • Meetings with those individuals critical to the decision making process.
  • Financial and project related decision makers, current marketing director, top sales reps.

Phase 2

  • Information gathering
  • Your company, product/service, USP (Unique Selling Proposal), strengths and weaknesses
  • Review of your current marketing position: current efforts, results, budget and costs as related to results
  • Your Top Clients (or independent character  modeling )

Phase 3

  • Review and planning
  • All the data is taken back to the lab and reviewed
  • Market research is done on the product-line, service industry, and best area niche
  • Campaigns with the highest return are selected

Phase 4

  • Reporting of collected data in Report Summary, and suggestion for implementation
  • Of the plans that were suggested, we sit down and review the best options for you in regards to your goals, budget and timeline
  • You then select the ones that interest you the most and we create a campaign around them
  • We then return the completed campaign with an implementation guide for east launch
Assisted Implementation
  • For information on implementation, give us a call today.