Online Social Networking Training

Our network allows us to bring the best of almost any industry. We have partnered with to bring you the most comprehensive white-label online social networking site available today.

Why did we choose above all else?

Their integrated online social networking technology offers users the opportunity to create their own social networking sites with the largest, most comprehensive set of features. They will have the ability to customize all details in their websites, and the company presents a myriad of ways for businesses to make money
According to Nielsen Ratings, social networks grew twice as fast as email and Search in 2008. Furthermore, time spent on Social Networks and blogs grew over 3 times the rate of overall internet growth. So what distinguishes from competitors?

“We are different than our competition because we provide a fully-hosted, packaged solution that can be launched immediately, but can also be 100% customized,” says CEO and founder Rohan Hall, who has 25 years of technology experience with Fortune 500 companies. “This allows our customers to have affordable, unique social networking websites that are also 100% monetizable.”

Due to massive growth in the Social Networking sector, along with non-stop media buzz about sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and its fully-integrated line of online features have accomplished what no other social media activist sites have been able to accomplish. offers customers money-making opportunities through memberships and event fees, donations, online stores, and classifieds, as well as advertising with Google integration. The revenue-based site includes dozens of features that competitor sites have been unable to integrate. also has a software development team in place to rewrite any application for customers.

In the last quarter of 2009, will release its newest product update, which includes the chance for users to post all material on Facebook walls. is social networking home to such well-know businesses as,,,, and


Advertisement Management

You have the choice to turn on or turn off advertising capabilities on the site at any time. Advertisements can be targeted to site members via keywords or other methods in the form of banner ads and text ads.

Self-Serve Advertising

Members can advertise their own products, services or events on the site at a price set by the Site Admin. Prices can be changed by Admin at any time.

Google Advertising

The site is integrated with Google. Banner and text ads can be instantly displayed throughout the site, or the Admin can make the entire site advertisement free.

Membership Fees

You can generate revenue by collecting membership fees on the site. This includes an option for recurring membership payments for use of the site. Payments can be made via any major debit or credit card.

Online Store with shopping cart

This ‘Ebay-like’ feature allows your members to sell anything online.   Admin collects all funds and can distribute funds while keeping a processing fee for the transaction


Customize Home Page

You can customize and design your home page in any way you like with our Home Page Designer. You can add videos, photos, user generated content, member information or any other content you like

Group management

Manage, block, delete or communicate in various ways with groups on the site including via newsletters, announcements and targeted emails. Site Admin can also change or reassign group ownership and moderator roles.

Dynamic Profiles

The Site Admin can define tabs and profile questions for the member profile page. Members can personalize their profile with html, css, add videos, photos, widgets or any other content to ‘pimp’ their page.

Members management

You control all members on the site and have access to the member info from the Member database. Members can be viewed, blocked, or deleted by Site Admin.

100% White Label

The site can be branded with any organization name, logo, and tagline. It can be configured to look and feel like your organization’s website with no code change. All content is configurable or user generated.

Privacy and Security

The site comes with different levels of security and privacy. For instance, members are able to create content on the site that is visible only to themselves, specific individuals, specific groups or to the entire site.


Integrated Calendar and Events management

Members can set up and manage their own events calendar. Events can be marked as one-time or recurring. Members can post events on the site for upcoming parties, dinners, classes and more and even collect funds right on the site

Collect Donations and Event Fees

Groups can collect donations through the site and allow Members payments for group events

Paid Events with RSVP

Use this feature to charge for events.  You can schedule different pricing for events and collect payment online.  Members can RSVP for events as well


Personalize Profiles

Members are able to create personal profile pages and add widgets to these pages. They can also personalize the page by adding code to change colors, add slides, add photos, add videos and any other embedded code they would like.

Emails and Notifications

In addition to newsletters the site comes with a variety of configurable emails and notifications that you are able to modify in any way you like to reflect your business or organization. These emails and notifications are automatically branded with your brand and logo.

Audio Upload

This full audio module allows your members to upload and share audio files online.

Video Upload

This full video module allows your members to upload, convert and share video files online

Newsletters and Announcements

The Group admin is able to send newsletters by email to the entire group. You are also able to  send announcements to the members’ online home page.